Initial Selection Test - Practice Questions

Initial Selection Test - Practice Questions

Situational Judgement Test Practice Questions:

Have a go at the practice questions below.


What is the most and least effective response in this situation?

a) Suggest that you split the afternoon on the Customer Help Desk with somebody else so that you can attend some of the meetings

b) Ask the Customer Help Desk to give you half an hour to speak to the relevant people from your team and re-plan your day and promise to call them back with a response 

c) Suggest they call round a number of other people who might be less busy; if they cannot find anyone then agree you will help

d) Agree to spend half a day on the service desk and simply take your paperwork with you

e) Decline as you have to put your own priorities first

Answers to practice question 1:

  • Option B is the most effective from the options provided. This is the most effective response from the options provided because it responds directly to the issue; making the relevant checks first and then getting back in touch with the Customer Help Desk.
  • Option E is the least effective from the options provided. This is the least effective response from the options provided because it is not a helpful response that would support the Customer Help Desk.

What is the most and least effective response in this situation?

a) Ask your colleague what needs to be done and offer to help - this is about the team, not an individual

b) To stop this happening again, tell your colleague it is their fault and they need to fix it, otherwise they will have let down the whole team

c) Speak to your other colleagues about the best way to handle the situation

d) Offer to help your colleague, but remind them of the importance of meeting deadlines and everyone pulling their weight

e) Speak with your colleagues about the situation and seek agreement on the best course of action

Answers to practice question 2:

  • Option D is the most effective from the options provided because it tackles the immediate problem and addresses the longer term issue regarding the importance of meeting deadlines.
  • Option B is the least effective from the options provided because it does not help remedy the problem at hand.

What is the most and least effective response in this situation?

a) Apologise to the customer and inform them that the perpetrators are now off the centre grounds and there is nothing you can do

b) Explain that there is nothing you can do and advise the customer to take more care with their belongings

c) Explain to the customer that you do not have all the details, but you will update them as soon as you do

d) Ask the customer to wait a while so you can chase the issue up with the security team and get a better understanding of the situation

e) Explain the full situation to the customer and pass the details of the incident to the police

Answers to practice question 3:

  • Option E is the most effective from the options provided. This is the most effective response from the options provided because direct action is being taken to resolve the issue in passing the details onto the police and the customer is provided with details of the full situation.
  • Option B is the least effective from the options provided. This is the least effective response from the options provided because the response is insensitive and could be perceived as offensive by the customer. The response does not include any measures to try and resolve the situation.

Verbal Reasoning Assessment Practice Questions:

Have a go at the practice questions below.


Are the statements below 'true', 'false' or 'cannot tell' based on the above information?

1. The collapse of the United States' financial market only affected trade in the United States

2. The Wall Street Crash caused banks and businesses to close down

3. Droughts and dust storms caused people to lose their homes

Correct answers:

1. The correct answer is False. The passage states that the Wall Street Crash affected money markets around the world

2. The correct answer is True. The passage states that following the crash of the United States' financial market, banks and businesses closed down

3. The correct answer is Can't Tell if statement 3 is true or false. We only know that droughts and dust storms brought more misery to farming communities. We do not know if they caused them to lose their homes.


Are the statements below 'true', 'false' or 'cannot tell' based on the above information?

4. The Antarctic region has warmed up by 2.5 degrees Celsius in the last 20 years

5. Lake temperatures in the Antarctic are higher than the local air temperature

6. In 1950, the permanent ice cover was almost twice the size it is today

Correct answers:

4. The correct answer to 4 is False. The passage states that the Antarctic region has warmed up by 2.5 degrees over the last 50 years

5. The correct answer to 5 is Can't Tell. We only know that lake temperatures have increased more than air temperatures. We do not know what those temperatures are

6. The correct answer to 6 is True. We know that permanent ice cover on the island has reduced by 49% since 1950, therefore in 1950 it was almost twice the size it is today


Are the statements below 'true', 'false' or 'cannot tell' based on the above information?

7. The anticipated decline in bird species is likely to have a negative impact on agriculture

8. The loss of bird species could increase the spread of human diseases

9. The number of rabies deaths in India in 1997 was directly related to the collapse of the vulture population in that country in the 1990s

Correct answers:

7. The correct answer to 7 is True. The passage states the loss (of birds) is expected to damage agriculture

8. The correct answer to 8 is True. The passage states that the loss (of birds) may encourage the spread of human diseases

9. The correct answer to 9 is Can't Tell. Whilst the passage states that 30,000 people died of rabies in India following the collapse of the vulture population, it does not state that these occurrences are directly related