How Do I Join?

The Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is made up of 8 different stages, all of which you must pass to be invited to your induction event at the Police College. Following this, you will then start your exciting journey of becoming a police constable! Take a look at the short video and click into the different pods to get more information on each of the stages of the recruitment process.

Before you apply, ask yourself... Can you commit?

Once you have successfully progressed through the 8 stages of the recruitment process you’ll receive some exciting news… You’re appointable to Police Service of Northern Ireland. Well done! Appointable candidates will be invited forward in merit order.

Now it’s on to your induction, and soon, your training. You’re well on your way to achieving your goal of becoming a police constable.

Induction & Training


Before you start in the Police College, you will be invited to attend an induction event where you will meet with your training team and representatives from the university who will explain course requirements and support services available to you. 

You will receive a tour of the Police College and will be measured for your uniform and other items of police equipment. Information will be provided on a number of topics relevant to your future career as a police officer including Occupational Health and Wellbeing, Personal Security and Human Resources.  Importantly, you will be introduced to the standards and ethics which apply to everyone in the Police Service of Northern Ireland.  There will be an opportunity for you to ask any last minute questions you may have.  You will also be informed of which Policing District you will be attached to on completion of the Student Officer Development Programme.

Learning between Induction and Your First Day in the Police College

After Induction you will be required to undertake and successfully complete the Pre Entry Knowledge Course before commencing the Student Officer Development Programme.  This material takes approximately 20 hours and must be completed in order to commence the Programme. You will be given access to this information at your Induction Day.  This will provide you with information and context to support your development as a student officer within the Police College.  

Your Learning & Development in the Police College

Training takes place at the Police College, Belfast over a 22 week period. You will participate in the Student Officer Development Programme. This Programme is university accredited and results in the award of an Advanced Diploma in Policing. 

Further information on the learning and development journey you will undertake and the academic and pastoral support arrangements available are available within the Guidance for Applicants (see the section entitled 'Your Learning & Development in the Police College'). Also check out our video which introduces you to life as a Student Officer.

On successful completion of the student officer programme, you will be formally attested as a Probationary Constable.