Call Handler applications now open until 17th February.  Officer recruitment also open.

How Do I Join?

The Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is made up of a number of different stages (For some roles an appointed contractor may be responsible for certain stages.  Applicants will be advised as appropriate detailing stages where the appointed contractor has responsibility), all of which you must successfully complete to be offered appointment within the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Following this, you will then start your exciting journey of becoming a member of police staff in the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Click into the pods below to get more information on each of the stages of the recruitment process.


Once all pre-employment checks are successfully completed, Police Staff Recruitment will issue the appropriate offer of appointment.

It is our policy that, except in very exceptional circumstances, candidates will only receive one offer of appointment from a competition which, if not accepted, will result in the candidate being withdrawn from the competition.

We understand that the notice you are required to give to your current employer will vary.